1)    Hourly Consultation:  I will meet with you and your team on a one-time or ongoing basis as frequently or infrequently as necessary to offer feedback on your research at any phase.

2)   Topical Training Packages:  I offer training packages for investigators who conduct all aspects of their own research, but who want to develop qualitative research capacities. These include, but are not limited to interview or focus group training, trainings in coding and analysis processes and software, maintaining HIPAA compliance in qualitative research, and writing-up qualitative work for academic journals, presentations or reports.

3) Collaboration:  I offer collaborative expertise for researchers who want to build skills within their team and benefit from assistance at any point in their research process. Perhaps your team has great strengths in study design and data collection but less strength in analysis and write-up. I can supplement your existing strengths by consulting with your team and training staff at any phase of research.